Tuesday, March 9, 2010

here goes nothing

Well we finally decided to give this blog thing a go. By we, I mean me, Melissa. I'm pretty positive i will be the only one posting on this thing. For starters Matt and I are getting married in June! We are so excited! We are having an Alice in Wonderland themed wedding and its going to be awesome! I'm so excited to start our life together. We don't really have much going on in our lives besides all this wedding stuff so that will be the topic of most posts. I can't believe how fast our engagement has flew by! I wish it all would slow down for just a minute... but that's not gonna happen so I guess we need to live 100% in the moment and enjoy it while its all happening.A lil' motivation! We are having so much fun with this theme! We both LOVE Alice in Wonderland and this is working out so well!