Wednesday, April 25, 2012

In and Out

Little miss is now a whopping 9 months old and so incredibly beautiful! I cannot believe she's been outside my belly as long as she was inside. She is so much fun now and is busy as can be. She is such a girly girl and loves painting her toenails and doing her hair with mommy. Ah I love having a daughter :) She had her 9 month well child appointment today and was so big and cute through the whole thing. At 9 months she:
  • weighs 25 pounds-still off the charts
  • is 29 inches long-off the charts
  • head is 18 inches-90%
  • wears 12-18 month clothes
  • in size 4 diapers
  • loves her shoes!
  • after trying a lot of different baby food combinations she now only eats organic foods. She keeps them down better and the consistency is a lot thicker/richer.
  • Still has 2-3 bottles a day
  • Sleeps through the night in her own crib
  • has THREE teeth!
  • Crawls backwards... we're pretty convinced crawling is not gonna happen for this kid
  • pulls herself up
  • walks along the couch, and behind her walker!
  • stands up and lets go of whatever she's holding onto for a minute or so!
  • Loves the water! We signed her up for swim lessons and she starts next month (so excited!!)
  • Always copies what we say to her
  • Says Mama, Dada, Dad, Nana (grandma), Baba (bottle), Uh-Oh, Yeah, Bye, Hi, and Ky-ky (Her favorite cousin)
  • Loves to laugh! Especially if someone else laughs 
  • Loves the park
  • Loves her bubbles!!
 Picture time!


Sunday, April 15, 2012


Spring has sprung, with the exception of the storm this weekend. Last weekend we celebrated Olivia's first Easter! It was a lot of fun and she looked SOOOO cute in her Easter dress! She got lots of fun new clothes, pajamas, dresses, sandals, bubbles, toys, puffs, a new swimsuit, sunglasses, headbands, books, and her first pair of Toms!
basket from the Christophersons
Basket from Mom and Dad

Basket from Grandma Carrie

 Basket from Grandma Christy and Grandpa Aaron

 cute Toms!
 silly girl in her Easter Jams
We also celebrated my Birthday on the 9th. I share a birthday with our friend Tecey so we went to dinner at TGI Fridays the weekend before with some friends for mine. Then on Monday we went to dinner at Mcgrath's for his. We've never been there before and I was sooo excited because I LOVE seafood! So we got started with this crab artichoke dip that was sooo good and halfway through the dip I found a SCREW in the dish! Yep a short, fat, self tapping screw baked right into our dip. I mostly just wanted to laugh because something like that never happens to me haha. We called over the manager and I tried to be serious and mad but it took everything out of me to not laugh. He was very nice and they paid for our meal, brought us a new dip, and gave us a gift card for next time. I still can't believe I got screwed at Mcgraths on my birthday :)

A few weeks ago Mckell and I took Liv and Gavin to the zoo! It was Olivia's first time and she seemed to really enjoy it! At first she kind of didn't know what to think until we saw the giraffes. They were really close and she just started going crazy! she also really liked the monkeys and gorillas. And she loved the train! I can't wait to take her back when they finish the polar bear exhibit!

This last weekend I went to the What a woman wants Expo with my sister Jess and friend Kerri. I really wanted to bring Liv for all of the cute little girl boutiques, however Matt insisted she stay home in case there were any "nut jobs" there...he must have had a sixth sense :D It was pretty fun though, I got a bunch of free stuff, some cute jewelery and a free microdermabrasion treatment. We also did some much needed spring cleaning to our apartment this weekend. The complex we live in is remodeling all of their buildings and of course they decide to start with ours. Its definitely been an annoying/dirty process. We got all new windows to enjoy the beautiful view of scaffolding, plywood and sheets that surrounds us. Thank goodness they are almost done and it actually looks pretty good. Since we brought Olivia home from the hospital, we haven't had full access of our bedroom. Her bassinet and pack and play were right next to our bed until she started sleeping in her crib. Just in time for them to start construction and we had to move everything away from the walls and windows. Now that that is done we finally got to move everything back and I forgot how much extra space is in our room. Now we have so much extra room for activities! I keep telling Matt that the bassinet and pack and play will look really good in here with a new baby in it. He just laughs... We'll see :) Happy Spring!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

just because

So my 23rd birthday is next week and to celebrate I thought it would be fun to do a post of 23 silly/random facts about myself. Yep that's right a whole post not about my baby Liv. This is gonna be tough but here we go.
 1-Matt and I met in our high school ceramics class- the class that neither of us signed up for. Ever.
2-I have been 4'10" tall since 6th grade. Then when I got pregnant I grew to 5'
3-My feet also grew two sizes from a 5 to a 7
4-My hair started going grey when I turned 20
5-I have not had a hamburger/cheeseburger in 10 years!
6-Up until last year this was true for all red meat. But when I was pregnant I had all these cravings for steak so like any pregnant woman, I caved duh. Now I have steak about once a month.
7-My mom was adopted so technically... we could be related.
8-When I was in grade school, I thought my dad was black. All of us (me and my sisters) did. He worked outside and was always REALLLY tan lol
9-Speaking of my dad, he is Native American. His great grandmother was a Cherokee Indian Princess. Take that!
10-I took dance for 13 years. Ballet was my main squeeze.
11-I was in a commercial for child immunizations when I was 5ish. I had to lick a lollipop.
12-My first traffic violation was received at the age of 17. My citation? Oh just driving in the HOV lane without a passenger. Oooops.
13-I wanted to start my own band in junior high and call it "the plastic straws" unfortunately I'm not very musically gifted NOT AT ALL
14-My Dad is from Georgia and sometimes, especially when I talk to other people with accents, I have a little southern accent slip out, ya'll
15-I think Conan O'Brien is sexy
16-I have always wanted to drive a yellow car
17-When I was a kid, I had a collection of "abc" gum. I wanted to be on that show figure it out. My dad kept it to show all my boyfriends. Matt thinks its the funniest things ever.
18-I pick at and chew on everything!
19-I used to tell the Missionaries that we were Jewish. I don't think they believed me.
20-I am almost positive Robyn stole all of her dance moves for her video "call your girlfriend" from me!
21-I was a straight "A" student all through school. I learned real good I did.
22-I'm becoming slightly obsessed with Karmin
23-I asked Matt "what's a silly/random fact about me I can put for this blog?" He said "the way you tell jokes. Your humor" So........ I guess I'll turn that into people generally think I'm funnier then I think I am. Yep.