pretty flowers from the hubs
My Baby Seester went to Prom
With her future husband :)
Then we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse MMMMMM
Survey time!
How far along?: 25 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain?: 6 pounds
Gender?: Girly
Maternity clothes?: Pants, a few shirts, and my new favorite thing Pregnancy Leggings!!
Stretch marks?: Nope
Sleep?: Getting tougher, she loves to to kick like crazy when I finally start to fall asleep
Labor signs?: Nope
Best moment this week?: hmmm.. she likes to dance to the new Britney Spears, its pretty neat
Movement?: OH YES! Grandma finally got to feel her from the outside
Food cravings?: Steak, Salad, Fruit
Food adversions?: Chicken, Pasta, Ruby Red Squirt :(
Belly Button?: Innie
What I miss?: Being able to get up from the couch without serious effort
What I'm looking forward to?: baby shower ;)
Milestones?: 100 (ish) days to go!!