Christmas this year was so unbelievably fun! Olivia is at such a fun age and was such a cutie. Christmas eve was spent at my Aunt Wendy's house. We had so much fun, Liv did really good with all the people and all of her little cousins loved her! After the party we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house so we could all open our Christmas eve gifts. Olivia was so cute trying to figure out the whole opening presents thing.
my mom got Olivia a recordable book that she opened on Christmas eve and she LOVED it!! We had to read it a couple times and she was so sad when we stopped. By the end of the night she was pretty spent and went right to sleep. Then we woke up bright and early on Christmas morning to see what Santa brought! Olivia got a bouncer, a horse walker thing, a cute elephant chair, a ton of toys, a whole new wardrobe, books and movies.
After we finished our Christmas festivities we headed over to grandma and grandpa's house. Olivia was pretty spent by the time we got there so she wasn't really into opening her gifts. Grandma and Grandpa got her a walker, a crib buddy, and a bunch of clothes and little toys. Aunt Nikki and Jessica got Livie a new playmat and a bunch of cute clothes!
After breakfast we headed over to visit Grandma Carrie and Grandpa Blaine. Sadly I didn't get any pictures for some reason. Liv was cute and refreshed by the time we got there and ready for round 3 of presents. Grandma and Grandpa got her a new swing, a bunch of toys and new clothes. We finally made our way home, took a lovely family nap and headed back to my parent's house for dinner. We are so blessed to have the great family that we do! We had such a great first Christmas as a family <3
Little miss Livie is 5 now months old! Really, like really? It honestly kinda breaks my heart how fast she's growing up. She has already gotten so big in just 5 months, I can't imagine how I'm going to feel when she's one! She has been so much fun this month, she loves all the Christmas fun. I can't wait to celebrate her first Christmas! At 5 months she:
eating 7 ounce bottles about 4 times a day with rice cereal twice a day
started some vegetables! So far she has had peas, sweet potatoes, green beans, and carrots and loved them all!
still in size 3 diapers
wears 6 to 9 month clothes, more on the 9 month end
all the toys in the world and all she wants are her feet <3
teething machine
still sleeps through the night, but fights her naps tooth and nail!
Matt and Mel met many moons ago in the halls of West Jordan High. After years of being friends we fell in love. We dated for about 2 years until Matt proposed in September of 2009. We were married June 11th, of 2010, the happiest day of our lives! We welcomed our first beautiful daughter Olivia into this world on July 22nd, 2011!