Sunday, March 25, 2012

Crazy 8's

Olivia is now 8 months old, and one crazy 8 month old at that! She is so busy and into everything! So naturally it has taken me 3 days to try and finish this post. I love everything about her, she is getting so big way too fast! I can't believe in just 4 months we will be celebrating her first birthday! At 8 months she:
  • wears 12 to 18 month clothes!
  • in size 4 diapers
  • eating stage 3 baby foods
  • loves her puffs, yogurt and bananas
  • down to 2 bottles a day-that she holds by herself
  • sleeps in her crib every night! (this is more of an accomplishment for mom)
  • not really into crawling
  • pulls her self up-usually when nobody is watching of course
  • is the biggest chatterbox!
  • Says Dada, Mama, Baba(bottle), Gama(grandma), hi, uh-oh, and bye-bye
  • loves playing outside
  • loves swinging at the park
  • loves reading books

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